Sharps Bin 5Ltr Yellow

Sale price£2.80


This 5ltr Yellow Sharpsguard Bin will ensure that your medical environment's waste management is clean, organised, and secure.

T bin adheres to the 'Safe Management of Healthcare Waste' guidance published by the Department of Health (2006). This guidance provides a national colour-coded system for managing and disposing sharp objects and other healthcare wastes. The Bin comes with colour-coded lids and labels, to easily segregate and consign waste. This ultimately leads to good waste management, through compliance with best practice and the current regulations.

The Bin works well in hospital wards, as well as community and other healthcare settings. The bin comes with an opaque coloured door, clearly showing when the door is in the temporary or fully closed position.

3.75ltr (MED1541) and 7ltr (MED1542) Sharpsguard Bins are also available.

  • Colour: Yellow
  • Capacity: 5 Litres
  • Quantity: Individual

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